CAM2 Super HD CJ-4/SN Engine Oil combines premium base stocks with next-generation additive technology to produce our most fuel efficient cleanest burning, low-ash heavy duty engine oil to date??. It meets or exceeds nearly all the next generation OEM specifications including those from Cummins, Detroit Diesel, Mack, Volvo, Renault, Mercedes, MAN and Deutz and is certified against the Ford WSS-W2C171-F1 specification. Use of CAM2 Super HD CJ-4 engine oils may provide: ƒ?› Improved Fuel Economy ƒ?› Excellent Wear Control ƒ?› Outstanding Oxidation Protection ƒ?› Exceptional TBN retention and shear stable VI improver ƒ?› Extended catalyst life ƒ?› Reduced CO2 emissions